Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

Cara Cepat Menghafal Al-Qur'an


Segala puji Bagi Allah Rabb semesta alam, shalawat dan salam semoga terlimpahkan kepada Nabi kita Muhammad SAW. Dalam tulisan ini akan kami kemukakan cara termudah untuk menghafalkan al quran. Keistimewaan teori ini adalah kuatnya hafalan yang akan diperoleh seseorang disertai cepatnya waktu yang ditempuh untuk mengkhatamkan al-Quran. Teori ini sangat mudah untukdi praktekan dan insya Allah akan sangat membantu bagi siapa saja yang ingin menghafal Al Qur'an. 

Disini akan kami bawakan contoh praktis dalam mempraktekannya. Misalnya saja jika anda ingin menghafalkan surat an-nisa, maka anda bisa mengikuti teori berikut ini: 
Pertama, Bacalah ayat pertama 20 kali
Kedua, Bacalah ayat kedua20 kali
Ketiga, Bacalah ayat ketiga 20 kali
Keempat, Bacalah ayat keempat 20 kali
Kelima, Kemudian membaca 4ayat diatas dari awal hingga akhir menggabungkannya sebanyak 20 kali.
Keenam, Bacalah ayat kelima 20 kali
Ketujuh, Bacalah ayat keenam 20 kali
Kedelapan, Bacalah ayat ketujuh 20 kali
Kesembilan, Bacalah ayat  kedelapan 20 kali
Kesebelas, Kemudian membaca  ayat ke 5 hingga ayat ke 8 untuk menggabungkannya sebanyak 20 kali.
Keduabelas, Bacalahayat  ke 1 hingga ayat ke 8 sebanyak 20 kali untuk memantapkan hafalannya.
          Demikian seterusnya hingga selesai seluruh al Quran, dan jangan sampai menghafal dalam sehari lebih dari seperdelapan juz, agar tidak berat bagi anda untuk mengulang dan menjaganya.

Jikaanda ingin menambah hafalan baru pada hari berikutnya, maka sebelum menambahdengan hafalan baru, maka anda harus membaca hafalan lama dari ayat pertamahingga terakhir sebanyak 20 kali juga hal ini supaya hafalan tersebut kokoh dankuat dalam ingatan anda, kemudian anda memulai hafalan baru dengan cara yangsama seperti yang anda lakukan ketika menghafal ayat-ayat sebelumnya.

Jangansekali-kali anda menambah hafalan tanpa mengulang hafalan yang sudah adasebelumya, karena jika anda menghafal al qur'an terus-menerus tanpa mengulangnyaterlebih dahulu hingga bisa menyelesaikan semua al qur'an, kemudian anda inginmengulangnya dari awal niscaya hal itu akan terasa berat sekali, karena secaratidak disadari anda akan banyak kehilangan hafalan yang pernah dihafal danseolah-olah menghafal dari nol, oleh karena itu cara yang paling baik dalammeghafal al qur'an adalah dengan mengumpulkan antara murajaah (mengulang) danmenambah hafalan baru. Anda bisa membagi seluruh mushaf menjadi tiga bagian,setiap 10 juz menjadi satu bagian, jika anda dalam sehari menghafal satuhalaman maka ulangilah dalam sehari empat halaman yang telah dihafal sebelumnyahingga anda dapat menyelesaikan sepuluh juz, jika anda telah menyelesaikansepuluh juz maka berhentilah selama satu bulan penuh untuk mengulang yang telahdihafal dengan cara setiap hari anda mengulang sebanyak delapan halaman.

Setelah satu bulan anda mengulang hafalan, anda mulaikembali dengan menghafal hafalan baru sebanyak satu atau dua lembar tergantungkemampuan, dan mengulang setiap harinya 8 halaman sehingga anda bisamenyelesaikan 20 juz, jika anda telah menghafal 20 juz maka berhentilahmenghafal selama 2 bulan untuk mengulang, setiap hari anda harus mengulang 8halaman, jika sudah mengulang selama dua bulan, maka mulailah menghafal kembalisetiap harinya satu atau dua halaman tergantung kemampuan dan setiap harinyamengulang apa yang telah dihafal sebanyak 8 lembar, hingga anda bisamenyelesaikan seluruh al-qur'an.
Jikaanda telah menyelesaikan 30 juz, ulangilah 10 juz pertama secara tersendiriselama satu bulan setiap harinya setengah juz, kemudian pindahlah ke 10 juzberikutnya juga setiap harinya diulang setengah juz ditambah 8 halaman dari sepuluhjuz pertama, kemudian pindahlah untuk mengulang sepuluh juz terakhir dengancara yang hampir sama, yaitu setiap harinya mengulang setengah juz ditambah 8halaman dari 10 juz pertama dan 8 halaman dari 10 juz kedua.

Mulailahmengulang al-qur'an secara keseluruhan dengan cara setiap harinya mengulang 2juz, dengan mengulangnya 3 kali dalam sehari, dengan demikian maka anda akanbisa mengkhatamkan al-Qur'an  setiap duaminggu sekali.
Dengan cara ini maka dalam jangka satu tahun insyaAllah anda telah mutqin (kokoh) dalam menghafal al qur'an, dan lakukanlah caraini selama satu tahun.

Dikutip dari buku Cara Cepat Menghafal Al Qur'an karya: Dr. Abdul Muhsin Al Qasim (Imam dan Khatib Masjid Nabawi) 

Keutamaan Menghafal Al-Qur'an


Banyak hadits Rasulullah SAW yang mendorong untuk menghapal Al Quran, atau membacanya di luar kepala, sehingga hati seorang individu Muslim tidak kosong dari sesuatu bagian dari kitab Allah SWT. Seperti dalam hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Ibnu Abbas secara marfu`: “Orang yang tidak mempunyai hapalan Al Quran sedikitpun adalah seperti rumah kumuh yang mau runtuh “. [HR. At Tirmizi]

Dan Rasulullah SAW memberikan penghormatan kepada orang-orang yang mempunyai keahlian dalam membaca Al Quran dan menghapalnya, memberitahukan kedudukan mereka, serta mengedepankan mereka dibandingkan orang lain. Dari Abi Hurarirah r.a. ia berkata: Rasulullah SAW mengutus satu utusan yang terdiri dari beberapa orang. Kemudian Rasulullah SAW mengecek kemampuan membaca dan hapalan Al Quran mereka: setiap laki-laki dari mereka ditanyakan sejauh mana hapalan Al Quran-nya. Kemudian seseorang yang paling muda ditanya oleh Rasulullah SAW : “Berapa banyak Al Quran yang telah engkau hapal, hai pulan?” ia menjawab: aku telah hapal surah ini dan surah ini, serta surah Al Baqarah. Rasulullah SAW kembali bertanya: “Apakah engkau hapal surah Al Baqarah?” Ia menjawab: Betul. Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Pergilah, dan engkau menjadi ketua rombongan itu!”. Salah seorang dari kalangan mereka yang terhormat berkata: Demi Allah, aku tidak mempelajari dan menghapal surah Al Baqarah semata karena aku takut tidak dapat menjalankan isinya. Mendengar komentar itu, Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Pelajarilah Al Quran dan bacalah, karena perumpamaan orang yang mempelajari Al Quran dan membacanya, adalah seperti tempat bekal perjalanan yang diisi dengan minyak misik, wanginya menyebar ke mana-mana. Sementara orang yang mempelajarinya kemudia ia tidur -dan dalam dirinya terdapat hapalan Al Quran- adalah seperti tempat bekal perjalanan yang disambungkan dengan minyak misik “. [HR. At Tirmizi]

Jika tadi kedudukan pada saat hidup, maka saat mati pun, Rasulullah SAW mendahulukan orang yang menghapal lebih banyak dari yang lainnya dalam kuburnya, seperti terjadi dalam mengurus syuhada perang Uhud. Rasulullah SAW mengutus kepada kabilah-kabilah para penghapal Al Quran dari kalangan sahabat beliau, untuk mengajarkan mereka faridhah Islam dan akhlaknya, karena dengan hapalan mereka itu, mereka lebih mampu menjalankan tugas itu. Di antara sahabat itu adalah: tujuh puluh orang yang syahid dalam kejadian Bi`ru Ma`unah yang terkenal dalam sejarah. Mereka telah dikhianati oleh orang-orang musyrik. Dari Abi Hurairah r.a. bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Penghapal Al Quran akan datang pada hari kiamat, kemudian Al Quran akan berkata: Wahai Tuhanku, bebaskanlah dia, kemudian orang itu dipakaikan mahkota karamah (kehormatan), Al Quran kembali meminta: Wahai Tuhanku tambahkanlah, maka orang itu dipakaikan jubah karamah. Kemudian Al Quran memohon lagi: Wahai Tuhanku, ridhailah dia, maka Allah SWT meridhainya. Dan diperintahkan kepada orang itu: bacalah dan teruslah naiki (derajat-derajat surga), dan Allah SWT menambahkan dari setiap ayat yang dibacanya tambahan ni`mat dan kebaikan “. [HR. At Tirmizi]

Balasan Allah SWT di akhirat tidak hanya bagi para penghapal dan ahli Al Quran saja, namun cahayanya juga menyentuh kedua orang tuanya, dan ia dapat memberikan sebagian cahaya itu kepadanya dengan berkah Al Quran. Dari Buraidah ia berkata: Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Siapa yang membaca Al Quran, mempelajarinya dan mengamalkannya, maka dipakaikan mahkota dari cahaya pada hari Kiamat, cahayanya seperti cahaya matahari, kedua orang tuanya dipakaikan dua jubah (kemuliaan), yang tidak pernah didapatkan didunia, keduanya bertanya: mengapa kami dipakaikan jubah ini: dijawab: “karena kalian berdua memerintahkan anak kalian untuk mempelajari Al Quran” [HR. Al Hakim]. Kedua orang itu mendapatkan kemuliaan Tuhan, karena keduanya berjasa mengarahkan anaknya untuk menghapal dan mempelajari Al Quran semenjak kecil. Dan dalam hadits terdapat dorongan bagi para bapak dan ibu untuk mengarahkan anak-anak mereka untuk menghapal Al Quran semenjak kecil.

Ibnu Mas`ud berkata: “Rumah yang paling kosong dan lengang adalah rumah yang tidak mengandung sedikitpun bagian dari Kitab Allah SWT “ [HR. Al Hakim]. Dan pengertian kata “ashfaruha” adalah: yang paling kosong dari kebaikan dan berkah. Al Munziri meriwayatkan dalam kitab At Targhib wa At Tarhib dengan kata: “ashghar al buyut” dengan ghain bukan fa. Dan maknanya adalah: rumah yang paling hina kedudukannya, dan paling rendah nilainya.

Minggu, 24 Januari 2010

Kapan Waktu Terbaik Ajarkan "Toilet Training" pada Anak

Monday, January 25, 2010 at 11:05 am
Source: Kompas.com

Bila Anda berencana untuk menanggalkan popok si kecil dan mengajarkan ia menggunakan toilet, waktu terbaik untuk melakukannya adalah saat anak berusia antara dua hingga tiga tahun.

Studi teranyar merekomendasikan para orangtua untuk mulai mengenalkan toilet training saat anak berusia 27-32 bulan. Anak yang baru mulai belajar menggunakan toilet di atas usia 3 tahun cenderung lebih sering mengompol hingga usia sekolah. Sebaliknya, bila Anda mulai mengenalkan anak untuk pipis dan buang air besar di toilet sebelum ia berusia 27 bulan justru lebih sering gagal.

Selama ini terdapat dua pendapat berbeda mengenai kapan waktu terbaik untuk mulai mengajarkan toilet training pada anak. Pendapat pertama menyebutkan, untuk mengajari anak sedini mungkin, sedangkan pendapat lain menyebutkan untuk menunggu hingga anak besar dan ia mulai menunjukkan tanda siap. Namun, belum ada studi yang bisa menyebutkan kapan usia paling tepat untuk memulai transisi dari popok ke toilet ini.

Meski salah satu cara mengajarkan toilet training adalah dengan memberi contoh, namun para peneliti dari Amerika Serikat dalam laporannya yang dimuat dalam Journal of Pediatric Urology mengatakan bahwa waktu yang tepat jauh lebih penting daripada teknik.

Para peneliti melakukan studi dengan mewawancarai 157 orangtua yang memiliki anak berusia 4-12 tahun yang rutin berkonsultasi pada dokter karena anaknya masih mengompol. Para orangtua tersebut ditanyai kapan mereka mulai mengajarkan toilet training dan metode apa yang dipakai. Jawaban para responden itu kemudian dibandingkan dengan orangtua dari 58 anak yang memiliki kemiripan usia, gender, ras, dan faktor lain, namun tidak punya masalah mengompol.

Pada anak yang masih mengompol di usia 4-12 tahun, rata-rata mereka mulai diajarkan toilet training oleh orangtua saat mereka berusia 31 bulan, dibandingkan dengan anak dari kelompok tak mengompol 28,7 bulan.

Peter Stavinoha, penulis buku Stress-Free Potty Training, mengatakan bahwa usia tidak bisa dijadikan patokan untuk menentukan kapan anak harus mulai diajarkan menggunakan toilet.

"Meski rata-rata anak sudah bisa diajarkan di usia 2,5 tahun tapi tidak semua anak sama. Kuncinya adalah saat perkembangan fisik, emosi, dan psikologis anak siap," kata Stavinoha, ahli neuropsikologis klinis dari Children's Medical Center, Dallas, AS.

Tanda-tanda anak mulai siap diajarkan adalah dapat duduk tegak, punya ritme ke toilet dalam 2-3 jam, dapat membuka dan memakai celana sendiri, bisa memahami instruksi sederhana dan sudah bisa mengatakan keinginannya.

"Orangtua harus menjadi pembimbing, memfasilitasi, dan menyemangati anak. Hindari memaksakan kehendak pada anak, biarkan anak melewati tahapan-tahapan toilet training," saran Stavinoha.

Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

Unpredictable Moment

Yesterday afternoon, I was surprised because getting a new mandate, the field of education. The target is to make learning center.  I don't understand, why can entrust this task to me who obviously had no educators face? Whereas at first I was happy to be a team with old friends. It's crossed my mind to organize various. But in my heart it was a doubt.

As if there is a saying,
"Don't back up.. Come to the meeting fisrt and see what kind of education.. After that, please you give a decision.."

I follow what my heart says. Although the afternoon was hot and not feeling well, I still walked away. Finally, I followed the meeting. My heart is getting torn to give a decision. Because I'm afraid cannot carry out the mandate properly. And finally, the chairman said,
"Insyaalla in education.."

Hearing his words "Insyaalla", my heart melted. Especially coupled with the words of a friend to accept the offer. And finally I accepted it, with all my lack of knowledge about this new thing.

The meeting continues until the afternoon and there was a suggestion to conduct social analysis first. Frankly, I was dizzy with what I do. But I had to say goodbye and don't attend meetings until the end because it must finish first business.

After completing the business matter, for the way home, suddenly occurred to me the memory that someone once said about the education system in the institution "A" is better than the institution "B".

When I got home, I immediately send an SMS to invite him to chat on YM. However, I have not got an answer. While waiting an answer, I was surfing the internet. I think he would refuse my invitation. Because I've found no answer from him at all. I was surprised to see him come in at FB. Question occured in my heart, "It still can look here, although not in accept?"

Finally, I decided to turn on my YM. I just thought and said to my self,
"Watch it if you got no OL on YM and dosen't appear immediately greeted me. I'll be very dissappointed with you and will not ask for help to you again."

But it seems God had other plans. Apparently he was online and say hello. Frankly, shocked really. Because the phone number that I used to take him chatting on YM was brought someone and after the person back there was no answer at all from him

This is often make me wonder. When I was wanted to talk with him, he accidentaly also online. Although there is no previous communication, it turns out we have the same thought.

Sometimes I can feel the answer to my question about him. For example,
  • When I SMS him, I could feel whether the existing SMS reply from him or not. My cell phone is always silent settings. 
  • Or when I feel like talking to him. If my heart feels solid and warm, he probably also are online. And until now, the feeling is never wrong.

I don't understand how mechanism of these events.  However, if it was the will of Allah SWT, then what might not happen, can happen. Hopefully we are always in the Allah SWT instructions. Amien.... ^_^

Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

Penipuan Gaya Baru

Siang kemarin seisi rumah digegerkan dengan penemuna KUPON BERHADIAH LANGSUNG 3 LEMBAR yang tidak jelas darimana asalnya. Memang sih, asalnya dari detegen bubuk merek BUKRIM.. Tetapi apakah itu asli dari pabrik atau bukan, itulah yang perlu dipertanyakan.Alhamdulillah, Allah SWT masih melimpahkan rahmatNYA kepada kami. Sehingga langsung terlintas dipikirin, ditengah kebahagiaan yang nggak karu-karuan untuk menelpon langsung ke PT.TOTAL CHEMINDO LOKA. Ternyata program tersebut tidak pernah ada dari tahun 2009 - 2010. Seperti tersambar petir di siang bolong, kami coba lagi tilpun ke nomor customer service PT.TOTAL CHEMINDO LOKA yang lain. Ternyata jawabannya tetap sama. Akhirnya mau tidak mau, lagu SO7 terngiang-ngiang di telinga kami, yaitu BERHENTI BERHARAP. Padahal tadinya sudah ribut-ribut gara2 siapa besok yang mau tampil klo diwawancara di TV? (Maklum, pengen jd artis pada nggak kesampaian.. Jadi inget lagunya "AKU PENGEN JD ARTIS.."  =D )

1. Produk detergent yang dilempar2 ke halaman rumah, jadi 1 halaman rumah dapet 1 biar adil.
2. 3 Lembar kertas dilipat kecil dibungkus plastik kecil di dalam produk.
3. Produk detergent biasanya yg disebek scr rapi adl bagian bawahnya dan di press dg mesin press plastik.
4. Hadiahnya mobil dan ada capnya macem2.
5. Direkturnya pake nama ATALLA DZOFRAN W.
Padahal nama itu ada di FB dan belum tentu yg punya nama juga tahu.
6. Mencatut nama Drs.CONDRO KIRONO,SH (Kepolisian Polda Metro Jaya Dir LANTAS)
7. Pake nama notaris BACHTIAR LUBIS, SH.
8. Pake nama Drs.H.DARMIN NASUTION (Dirjen Pajak)
9. Dan mencatut nama HONDA.

Nah, ini nomer tilpunnya:


Kalo ada yg mau iseng2 ngecek, coba ajew bozz... Syp tau nomer dia orang masih aktif. Soalnya kemarin sore masih aktif. ^0^
Kurang lebih, kronologisnya, sama dengan kisah yang saya unduh dari:

Here's the story.

Penipu 'TENGIK'


Sore itu istri saya sedang bersih-bersih halaman depan. Dengan agak heran dia menemukan satu bungkus detergent tergeletak di selokan kecil samping car port depan rumah. Herannya adalah karena seingatnya dia tidak eprnah membeli dan memakai produk itu, yaitu produk detergent ‘Attack’ ukuran sachet 200gr keluaran PT. Kao Indonesia. Dalam hati udah mulai curiga, pasti ada yang ingin bikin ulah dengan menebar umpan, biasa maling modul penipuan berkedok undian berhadiah. Kecurigaan itu karena hal serupa pernah terjadi beberapa tahun yang lalu dengan modus seperti itu dan menggunakan produk yang sama.
Kecurigaan bertambah ketika setelah diperiksa ternyata kemasan sachet Attack itu bagian bawahnya seperti tidak sempurna pengelemannya dan nyaris bocor. Untuk membuktikan kecurigaan itu, istri saya membuka kemasan lewat ‘lem-an’ sebelah bawah tadi. Selain terdapat bubuk detergent, ternyata di dalamnya juga terdapat beberapa lembar kertas yang dilipat jadi satu. Tetangga saya yang kebetulan sedang main menemani anaknya bermain dengan anakku, ikut menyaksikan dan memeriksa detergent dan liopatan kertas tadi. Menurut dia, bubuk detergent yang ada di dalam kemasan sachet itu tidak seperti yang dia tahu dan kenal, baik warna bubuknya maupun aromanya. Kebetulan dia termasuk mengguna attack, jadi lumayan ngerti ciri produk itu.
Selanjutnya lipatan kertas kecil yang juga ada di dalam kemasan itu dibuka, ternyata terdapat 3 lembar kertas, 2 lembar dalam bentuk surat kecil ukuran 10cm x 12cm masing-masing berjudul ‘SERTIFIKAT’ dan ‘SURAT PENGESAHAN’ sedangkan satu lembar lagi berbentuk kartu kecil ukuran 3cm x 4cm (kayak pasfoto aja), bertuliskan ‘Promo Hadiah Langsung’ dilengkapi dengan gambar mobil ‘Suzuki SWIFT’. Dibelakangnya tertuliskan syarat dan ketentuan (terms and conditions) pengambilan hadiah.
Pada lembar yang berjudul seritifikat, dicantumkan formulir yang harus diisi oleh konsumen, disertai dengan cap perusahaan lengkap dengan nama dan jabatan serta tandatangan pejabat perusahaan PT. KAO INDONESIA. Disitu dicantumkan nama Atalla Dzofran W. Yang menggelikan lagi, untuk meyakinkan pembaca, dokumen yang diberi judul surat pengesahan, dikeluarkan oleh Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya dilengkapi dengan nomor surat, kop surat Polda Metro Jaya, ditandatangani oleh Dirlantas Polda Metro Jaya (tercantum) Drs. Djoko Susilo SH, Msi. Lengkap dengan tanda tangan dan stempel basah. Stempelnyapun meyakinkan, karena halus dan bagus. Nomor telepon yang bisa dihubungi ada pada kartu kecil yang bergambar mobil tadi. Dalam kartu disebutkan bahwa konsumen mendapatkan hadiah berupa 1 unit mobil Suzuki Swift, dimana pajak (disebut PPH dan PPN) ditanggung oleh PT. Kao Indonesia, sedangkan pemenang hanya dibebani bea balik nama (BBN). Nomor yang bisa dihubungi (sepertinya nomor HP) 021-30369575 dan 021-30369577.
Istri saya menunjukkan dokumen-dokumen itu ke saya pada sore harinya sepulang saya dari tempat kerja. Dengan ketawa-ketawa, istri saya menceritakan kronologi penemuan dan pemeriksaan barang bukti itu (tapi nggak dibuat berita acara pemerisaannya, red).
Untungnya istri saya sudah terbiasa dengan berbagai modus penipuan berkedok undian berhadian, baik yang model ginian (seingatku udah yang kedua kalinya) maupun yang lewat telepon. Jadi nggak ada respon yang berakibat negatif yang menguntungkan penipu. Alhamdulillah, semoga Allah melindungi keluarga kita semua, amien.
Kembali ke masalah attack yang tiba-tiba ada di halaman rumah tadi. Kelihatannya si penipu menebar umpan dengan cara melempar kemasan-kemasan sachet ke halaman-halaman rumah orang, dengan harapan yang punya rumah, terpancing menelpon balik dan terkena perangkap mereka. So hati-hatilah dengan modus penipuan yang semakin banyak modelnya, beritahu ke seluruh anggota keluarga kita tentang lengkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan apabila ada orang-orang yang memberitahukan dan iming-iming akan adanya rezeki nomplok berupa hadiah, biasanya mobil, motor atau barang elektronik. Minimal jangan ditanggapi, biar nggak kena perangkap. Atau kalau mau coba-coba jadi detektif, berhati-hatilah jangan-jangan anda terkena perangkap juga. Biasanya si penipu akan menonaktifkan nomor HP yang tercantum disitu, setelah mencurigai si penelepon bukan orang yang gampang ketipu, karena mereka juga takut. Dasar penipun ‘tengik’ laknatullah.

Penipu (nyaris) Ditipu

Hari Rabu pagi, saat g lagi tidur nyenyak, tiba-tiba si mbak gedor2 pintu kamar. Katanya, g disuruh bangun ama nyokap. Argh, tumben banget nyokap bangunin g pagi2 gini ? *padahal udah jam 9an*..hehehe..G cuman bilang iya, kemudian kembali melanjutkan tidur..

Jam 10an, kamar g digedor lagi dan kali ini sedikit pemaksaan kehendak. Akhirnya, terpaksa g bangun deh meski mata g masih kerlap kerlip bintang di langit. Turun ke bawah, cari camilan untuk sarapan plus baca koran. Ga ada yang spesial, just ordinary day. Lagi asik baca koran, tiba-tiba nyokap manggil g buat ke kamarnya.

"Tadi pas si mbak mau nyuci, masa dia nemu kertas ini di dalam kemasan Attack softener. Katanya kita menang mobil Suzuki Swift."

*whatz ?@!#*

Didalam kemasan itu, ternyata telah ditemukan 3 carik kertas. Yang pertama secarik kertas sebesar kotak korek api yang berisi nomer undian, nomor layanan konsumen (021-30574417, 021-30574437) dan gambar suzuki swift dengan tulisan "SELAMAT, ANDA TELAH MEMENANGKAN HADIAH LANGSUNG 1 BUAH SUZUKI SWIFT".

Kertas yang kedua berisi Surat Pengesahan dari POLDA Metro Jaya dengan No.Pol : P/188/I/2008/SAT-POL plus dittd oleh DIRLANTAS POLDA METRO JAYA, Drs. Djoko Susilo SH, Msi dengan NRP. 60100746.

Sementara kertas terakhir merupakan sertifikat keaslian dari KAO dengan No. Ijin Promosi: 179/DEP-SOS/XII/2008 dan di ttd (plus dicap pula) oleh Atalla Dzofran W yang memiliki jabatan sebagai Dirut PT. KAO Indonesia.

Well, first impression..cukup meyakinkan. Tapi, kok g tetep yakin kalo hal ini cuman tipuan yah ??

So, yang pertama-tama g lakuin adalah telpon ke Layanan bebas pulsanya KAO yang nomernya ada di bungkus kemasan. Tapi..tunggu punya tunggu, ga ada yang angkat telponnya. Hmm, mungkin sedang sibuk ? Entahlah..

Lalu, setelah berembuk dengan nyokap dan bokap. Akhirnya nyokap telpon ke nomor telpon yang tertera di kertas undian. Telpon diterima oleh seseorang yang (mengaku) bernama Budi Utomo. Beliau menjelaskan segala macemnya, sampe berani sumpah kalo ini merupakan undian beneran. Sampe katanya, nanti akan ada 2 orang polisi plus wartawan dari Metro TV yang akan datang kerumah untuk menyerahkan hadiah secara simbolis. Nyokap udah seneng, secara kalo bener berarti mobil akan dibuat atas nama g sebagai hadiah ulang tahun *ya ampyun, mimpi apa g semalem ??*..iyuk!

Pada akhirnya, bapak itu bilang kalo nyokap diminta untuk menghubungi bapak polisi Djoko Susilo untuk mengurus surat2nya dan menanyakan pula kepada beliau nomor rekening untuk mentransfer uang pengurusan. Wah, kliatan mulai janggal nih. Secara g udah wanti2, kalo disuruh transfer duluan jangan mau sampe ada barang or at least BPKB di tangan. Akhirnya, nyokap telpon bokap untuk kembali berembuk. Sementara g keatas buat ngecek di inet, apakah pernah ada kejadian seperti ini sebelomnya ??

Baiklah, setelah searching di google..g pun menemukan artikel ini .

Ok, clear..menurut g itu salah satu bukti mengingat banyaknya kemiripan antara cerita Bapak Reza disitu dengan yang terjadi sama g..hehehe..So, alhasil setelah nyokap g baca diapun menyesali kenapa masih banyak kejadian tipu-menipu seperti ini. Lantas, nyokap yang udah jengkel kembali menelpon bapak Budi Utomo itu:

"Pak, bapak tau ga kalo menipu itu dosa besar ? ".

"Loh, ibu tau darimana ? Memang ada buktinya ? ". (masih mencoba menjaga sikap)

"Saya tau dari internet kalo..."
klik, telponpun ditutup dari seberang sana.

Hehehe..penipu kok ditipu ??
-case closed-


That's the story of what happened at my house yesterday afternoon that could stir neighbors. Hopefully with this notice, the more limited the space for such fraud.And maybe useful to the reader as well.^_^

Senin, 18 Januari 2010

Hajjar Aswat

Since been chatting with a friend last night and I also knew that he had kissed Hajjar Aswat, suddenly returned to my heart longed for Ka'bah. Passionate desire so passionately in the past and has managed to keep me well for not overflowing, flooding back now. I raised my hand with tears in my eyes. I begged to my Robb, I hope that in my life, although only once, allowed to kiss Hajjar Aswat.

Someday, I want to be there together with my husband. What tomorrow if proposed request dowry is a pilgrimage to the holy land together eh?? =D

Wew, If it could happen, it would be romantic. May Allah SWT make my prayer.. ^_^

There are story about HAJJAR ASWAT a very interesting. This is it.

Hajar Aswat (black stone) believed to be the stone of heaven. Black stone is located is located at the southern corner of the Kaaba at the height of 1.10 meters from haram floor measuring 25 cm long and 17 cm wide. Currently, the Black Stone split into 8 lumps and eight blocks arranged neatly in a place like this. The outbreak occurred in the Qaramithah, the sect of the Shiites of Al - Bathiniyyah of the followers of Abu stone age to Al - Qaramathi Thahir that drew the black stone and led to Ihsa' in the year 319 H. But the stone was returned again in 339 H.

The size of largest cluster from the date of a large stone embedded in the other and surrounded by a silver tie. Stone has always longed for every Muslim and tried to kiss it or ihtilam (shake hands or kiss when tawaf). Located in the stone circle silver pilgrim trying to kiss her, not the surrounding rock.

Black Stone has undergone renovations at the time of King Fahd, found in Islamic Rabi'ul awal 1422. Every year before the hajj season, these stone cleaning and washing the Kaaba is sometimes given the opportunity to witness the royal guests wash the Kaaba and kiss the Black Stone.

When the Prophet Abraham with his son built the Kaaba, they lack experience. At the beginning of the first, the Kaaba has an entry. Abraham with Prophet Ismail, aim to make transport of stone mountain. A mentioned story at the time in the building of the almost complete Kaaba was Abraham still feels the lack of a more than rock to be placed in the Kaaba. Abraham said to the Prophet Ismail as., "Go thou to find a stone that will I put down as a marker for human beings."

Then the Prophet Ismail as. went away from one another hill  to find a good rock and precise. When the Prophet Ismail as. looking for a rock on a hill, suddenly came the angel Gabriel. provides a beautiful stone. Prophet Ismail was immediately brought the stone to the Prophet Abraham. Abraham was delighted to see such a beautiful stone, he kissed it several times.

Then Abraham. asked, "Where did you get this stone?"
Prophet Ismail as. replied, "this stone is not received from the granddaughter and my grandson load (Gabriel)."
Abraham kiss the stone again and was followed by the Prophet Ismail as.

Until now the Black Stone was kissed by the people who went to Baitullah. Anyone in the Ka'ba bertawaf kissing the Black Stone disunnahkan. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims struggling to kiss the Black Stone, which did not kiss enough to give the signal wave from a distance.

There is history that the Black Stone had been a white stone and clean, but due to be kissed by every person who came to visit the Kaaba, eventually became black as there is now.

We all know that the Black Stone is a stone that does not give mudorat or benefits, and the Kaaba, he was made of stone buildings. However, what we do in the pilgrimage procession just follow the teachings and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. So what we do not worship stones, and also do not worship the Kaaba.

Umar bin Khatab said "I know that you're just a rock, even if it were not for my seeing my beloved Prophet kissing you and touch you, then I will not touch you or kiss you"

Allah SWT commands us to Thawaf around the Kaaba, and Allah SWT also has been ordered to kiss the Black Stone. He also did it all, and of course what is done by him must have come from God, as contained in Allah SWT Word: "And Nor does he say it will as you wish. His remarks were merely a revelation revealed (Surat An - Najm : 53) ".

Black Stone came down from heaven. This stone is also the first foundation to build the Kaaba, and he became black from all the sins inherent in there as soon as they do pertaubatan. Is not the believers feel embarrassed, if their hearts are blackened by the sins that have been made. He said: "When the Black Stone fell, it was white, whiter than milk, and he became black from the sins of the son of Adam (Jami al-Tirmidzi al-Hajj (877)).

Neil Armstrong has proven that the city of Mecca is the center of the planet Earth. This fact has been investigated through scientific research. When Neil Armstrong for the first time to travel into space and take pictures of planet Earth, in saying: "Planet Earth depends on a very dark area, who hang?"

The astronauts have discovered that the planet Earth, it took a kind of radiation, they officially announce it on the Internet, but unfortunately it 21 days later the website there seems to be missing a poorly hidden behind the abolition of the website. 

After doing more research, the radiation was centered in the city of Mecca, the exact origin of the Kaaba. What is surprising is that radiation is infinite (endless), it is proven when they take pictures of Mars, the radiation is still ongoing. Muslim Researchers believe that this radiation has the characteristics and connections between the Kaaba on the planet Earth with the Kaaba in the netherworld.
In the middle of the north pole and south pole, there is an area called 'Zero Magnetism Area', it means is that if we pulled out a compass in the area, then the compass needle will not move at all because of the attraction as much between the two poles .
That's why if someone lived in Mecca, then he will live longer, healthier, and not much influenced by many forces of gravity. Therefore is when we are around the Kaaba, it is as though we are in re-charged by a mysterious energy, and this is a fact that has been scientifically proven.

Other research revealed that the Black Stone is a stone's oldest stone in the world and can also float in water. In a state museum in England, there are three pieces of stone (from the Ka'ba) and the museum also said that the chunks of rocks are not from our solar system.

Indeed there is no reference in the Qur'an about the meaning of a stone. But the prophet Muhammad's actions were now easier to understand if we look to the Bible. In the Bible it is mentioned that the stone is placed in a place as a sign of worship.
When Jacob woke from his sleep, he said: "Verily GOD is in this place, and I do not know."
He was afraid and said: "What a dreadful place. This is none other than the house of God, is the gate of heaven. "
The next day early in the morning Jacob took the stone used as the foundation's head and set up a monument and poured oil over it.
(Torah, Genesis 28:16-18)

"You make for me an altar of earth and offer on it burnt offerings and sacrifices your safety, your flocks and herds. In every place where Kutentukan a warning to my name, I'll come to you and bless you."
"But if you make for me an altar of stone, so do not you build it from the stone chisel, because when you do it with a pickax, then you break his holiness".
(Exodus 20:24-25)

As we all know that the Prophet Muhammad to destroy hundreds of stone statues carved in Mecca except the Black Stone is not a sculpture

With reference to the Bible, the prophet Muhammad's actions can be understood, because the Bible explain the meaning of the stone.

The concept of God in the Qur'an is very close to the concept of God in the Bible Covenant Lama.Bahkan about 80% content of Al Quran is parallel with the Bible, especially the old covenant.
Hajj was not the pagan rituals, The Law, first pilgrimage by Abraham at around 2000 years BC.

Prophet Muhammad said: "Islam is founded on five things; witness that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad as the messenger of Allah, prayers, pay zakat, hajj to the House and the fast of Ramadan." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from Ibn Umar)

Letter in the Qur'an: "Doing the hajj is a duty men owe to Allah, that is for people who can afford the journey" (Surah Ali 'Imran: 97).

One of the greatest meaning contained in the pilgrimage is about unity and integrity of the people.

This teaching is reflected from the people who perform the pilgrimage miqat entered. Here they had to change clothes because the clothes symbolize patterns, status and specific differences.

Clothing creating "boundaries" that not infrequently false cause "discord" among humans. Furthermore the divisions that arose the concept of "I", not "we or us", so that a prominent group, position, golonganku, sukuku, people, and so on which leads to the attitude of individualism.

Starting from their miqat wearing the same clothes that wrap the corpse in a shroud made up of two pieces of a simple white cloth.

All dressed like this. There is no difference between rich and poor, respectable and ordinary people, who come from the West and those from the East, they wear the same clothes, leave and will meet at the time and same place. With the same activities and use the same sentence.

"I fulfill your call O God, I call your fill, I fill your calls. There is no partner with Thee, I fill your calls. Surely all praise, pleasure and power is yours. There is no partner with You. "

Man who had been fragmented in various races, nations, groups, tribes and families with the Hajj compiled by Allah SWT with a variety of factors in common that they become one. Praising the greatness of God with the same concentration, which in place of their origin preoccupied with the problem, where we like to re-charge the heart, faith and surrender to God.

At the time of Prophet David, a place of worship / prayer mecca moved as we know it in 1 Chronicles 15, with bringing the ark to Jerusalem.

In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus predicted will be the migration of a place of pilgrimage and prayer direction from Jerusalem to the other place:

"Jesus said to him:" Believe me, woman, the time will come, that you will worship the Father is not in this mountain nor in Jerusalem. "You worship what you do not know, we worship what we know, for salvation comes from the Jews." Yet a time is coming and has come now, that the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, because the Father willed worshipers -worshipers so. "(John 4:21-23)

Pilgrimage became the subject of Jesus' controversy. The Jewish claim to Jerusalem where it is while the Samaritan to claim the mountain as a place of pilgrimage Jacob.

First, Jesus says that there will come a time no longer a place of pilgrimage mountain of Jerusalem or the Samaritan. Secondly, he mentioned that the pilgrimage will be done in a place that will be addressed by people who actually will worship the Lord.

So also in the old covenant:

"But who will be selected where the LORD thy God, from all your tribe as his residence to establish his name there, where should you look for it and that was where should you go." (Deuteronomy 12:5)

"then selected to the LORD thy God, to make his name still there, should you bring everything that I say unto you, that is, burnt offerings and sacrifices , offerings and your special gifts and all the victims were selected , you to LORD. " (Deuteronomy 12:11)

"But in the LORD will be selected in one of your tribe area, there should burnt offerings, and that's where you have to do all that I command you." (Deuteronomy 12:14)

"If the place you want to select the LORD thy God, to establish His name there, too far from there, then you may slaughter of herds and your flocks unto the Lord, as I say unto you, and eat the flesh in place as you please . " (Deuteronomy 12:21)

Paragraph above, similar to the practice of hajj rituals and sacrificial slaughter of animals or  pilgrimage in Islam, where the pilgrims in Mecca will be there to slaughter sacrificial ritual of the pilgrimage after, then do not go for the pilgrimage, to slaughter sacrificial animals wherever they are.

In the Gospel we can also find clues to suggest how the pilgrimage rituals like Muslims do in Mecca, the purification ritual or purity and walk around the Kaaba / house (altar) of God:

"I washed my hands a sign of not guilty, then walked around the altar, O Lord (Psalm 26:6)

The first house of God recorded in the Qur'an as the Bakkah, the ancient name for Mecca:

"Actually the house originally built for the (place of worship) man, is the House that the Bakkah (Mecca) blessed and a guidance for all mankind" (Sura 3-96)
This has been known in Psalm 84:5-7:

"Blessed are all those who can sit in your house and praise Thee evermore." (Psalm 84:5)

"Blessed are those whose strength is in thee, and his heart is on the road (pilgrimage) to thy Kaaba". (Psalm 84:6)

"When they were through the valley of Baka they make it into a water-eyed, even at the beginning of the rainy season, wrapped with a blessing." (Psalm 84:4-7)

(note: the above translated version of the Gospel 'New International Version' for different gospel Indonesian translation)

Summary of pilgrimage in Islam is essentially the same as a pilgrimage in al-books. Both reflect the time, goals, practices and places where the same pilgrimage.

Why the prophet Moses with the Torah, then there is the Prophet Isa (Jesus) the United States with the gospel and then there was the Prophet Muhammad with the Koran? :

Matthew 5:17: "Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets. I came not to abolish them but to fulfill.

Al-Quran letter Ali Imran: 3: "He's down the Book (Al-Qur` an) to you with truth, confirming what had been revealed earlier and down the Torah and the Gospel. "

The factors that cause Multazam be efficacious place:
1. Abraham Factor
2. Factor Black Stone
3. Factors that millions of people around the Kaaba berthawaf

1. Abraham Factor 

· Prophet Ibrahim is the man who built the Ka'bah with Prophet Ismail. 

· Prophet Ibrahim was tender-hearted servants. In other languages it is said that a tender conscience will emit light and a positive aura. The more gentle and iklas someone, then the beam will be more powerful aura and can meresonansi (read: affect) the surrounding environment. When we are close to the righteous, life and our hearts will be peaceful.

· Prophet Ibrahim is the Apostle to the quality of submission and sincerity that is very high, so that by God he made a model for mankind. This is proved when he instructed him to sacrifice his son. All were undertaken with full submission and sincerity.

QS. Sad (38): 45

And commemorate Our Servants Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who have works great and sciences High.

· With the resignation and sincerity like this, Prophet Ibrahim had a beam of energy is enormous. Humans and the environment once the location of his activities will teresonansi by his energy. Moreover, the works that were born directly from his hand - with the help of God, of course 

· Kaaba is the work of the prophet Abraham. Thus, in this Kaaba - with the permission of Allah, Prophet Abraham stored energy is very large. Moreover, activities of the Kaaba as a place of worship for many years, the Kaaba keep positive energy. Close to Kab'ah seemed close to the Prophet Abraham. We feel the tranquility, peace and gentleness, just like the nature of the Prophet Abraham. So pray at the Kaaba will help us to humility and heart to be calm and focused during supplication. Lost all pride and arrogance, so that our prayers be heard by God.

QS. Al A'raf (7): 55

Pray to your Lord with humility and a gentle voice. Allah loves not those who exceed the limits

2. Factor Black Stone (Black Stone) 

· Black Stone Black Stone, which is-supposedly-fall from the sky (most likely a meteor) that has a metal levels very high. 

· Black Stone used as one part of the foundation stones of the Kaaba by Prophet Ibrahim. Prophet Abraham with Ishmael received orders from God to raise up the foundations of the Kaaba which is now a center of Muslim worship.

Qs. Al-Baqarah (2): 127

And (remember) when Abraham raised (nurture) the basics of the House with Ismail (praying): "Our Lord accept than us (our deeds), the Supreme Thou heard the Knower".

· Energy emitted by the Prophet Ibrahim during their interaction at that time stored in the system building the Kaaba. Especially after he built the Kaaba together (Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail) prayed, pleading for worship and prayer as they accepted the above verse. Black Stone serves as a kind of entrance and exit energy of the Kaaba because it has the power delivery is very high electromagnetic. Kaaba energy flowing in this section includes the neighborhood. Therefore, people who are closest to the Black Stone (Multazam located therein) that have the greatest influence because of the vibration waves of prayer energy systems interact with the Kaaba. 

· Black Stone is likely to have extraordinary conductivity. This was proven when there is lightning suddenly grabbed the Kaaba in 1995. Strangely, it did not grab the lightning bolt in pengkal tall buildings around the Grand Mosque, but grabbed the Kaaba. In physics this shows how powerful the Black Stone conductivity compared to Platina in the lightning-rod end at the tall buildings are . In ordinary circumstances, should have snatched lightning from the highest object surface

3. Those factors thawaf 

· Indeed every human action produces eleltromagnetik waves. These waves radiate when we are thinking and doing physical activity.

· This happens because the human body is a collection of bio electron spin in each of the atoms of our bodies. When he was talking, we're actually transmitting sound waves coming from the vibrations of our vocal chords. Similarly, when we do something, it means we're reflecting light waves to various parts. If caught the eyes of a person, movement or actions we can see it.

· When we're thinking so we also emit brain waves that can be detected by using a tape recorder of the brain called EEG (Electric Electroencephalogram Graph). Thus, every activity we always radiate energy.

· In Physics, we know the Right Hand Rule, which reads: If there is a conductor (metal) surrounded by a moving electric against the clock, then the conductor would appear that electromagnetic wave field pointing upward.

·When millions of people around the Kaaba, it would be like no electric current huge swirling counterclockwise around the Kaaba hours. Why did this happen? This is because the human body contains. This is because the Kaaba, Black Stone in particular has served as a conductor as in the theory of the Right Hand Rule. Not a conductor, but the super conductor!

· Wave is the power of prayer will help people around the Kaaba bermunajat, especially near the Black Stone.

Hopefully these descriptions can be useful for us all. Amen..